What jobs make you earn a lot of money

what jobs make you earn a lot of money

Do you make handmade products like jewelry or furniture? Owners pay experts to teach them how to drive their luxury, high-performance cars in the best and baddest way possible. Confirm Password. A good college to go to is Pennsylvania State University. Check out the top 10 highest-paying jobs in America. A solutions architect, or systems architect, is responsible for designing and organizing computer systems and custom applications used by companies.

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All people in the world want to be successful. Most of them are convinced that success means much money. In my opinion, money is not a complete success. People who earn a lot of money may be narrow-minded, dull, disrespected. They also may not be accepted by society.

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what jobs make you earn a lot of money
If you are trying to decide what to be when you «grow up» that will make you money AND be fun, I would just start doing research now. Start with what you like to do and jobs you see others doing that look fun and ask those people if it really is fun. Check the internet or library for salary ranges for those jobs and compare with other jobs you wouldn’t like so much. Remember to find out how long it takes to get qualified to do the job college? If it’s a job for now, again, I would do some more Internet and library research. There are lots of jobs people your age can do — especially things you can do on your own, like manage people’s Facebook pages, baking, etc.

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All people in the world want to be successful. Most of them are convinced that success means much money. In my opinion, money is not a complete success.

People who earn a lot of money may be narrow-minded, dull, disrespected. They also may not be accepted by society. For example, drug barons are usually very rich but their occupation is disgusting. How can it be a success? Absolutely not. I strongly believe that really successful people are responsible for the part they play in the world. But there are people who consider money the true criterion of success. They claim that making little money means having nothing valuable, which no one wants to pay you.

But I cannot support this point of view because there are occupations that are not meant to make you rich. If you are a teacher, you may what jobs make you earn a lot of money very successful because your students get good results. At the same time, pedagogical work will not turn you into a millionaire. To sum it up, I would like to emphasize the fact that a successful person may or may not earn a lot of money. But he or she is always aware of what he or she is doing.

Successful people are always responsible for the world they live in.

S job isn’t just about choosing fabulous window treatments and furnishings. They design outdoor spaces for parks, businesses and private homes. Food scientist. These nurses provide care to women and newborns, helping with everything from delivering babies to providing surgical assistance during cesarean births to gynecological exams to family planning services. Confirm Email. Concert promoter. Got it!
