Teespring make money facebook

teespring make money facebook

But the winning campaigns were massive. As you can see, I just grabbed the link and let Facebook generate the preview image on this one. Wait until you have around 10, followers or more.

What Can You Sell on Facebook?

N ot too long ago, I knew nothing about running a Facebook ad to sell a product. Okay, maybe I just tried it. I ran an ad for an iPhone app I had get more users. I was probably doing it all wrong. Still… I tried.

I had my tipping point

teespring make money facebook
Hey everyone. However, it takes some budget to get started, creativity and a lot of patience to get started. Where Adsense or many other programs pay you for ad impressions or clicks, CPA Marketing pays you per action. If you want to learn more about this you can check my CPA Marketing blog. The trick here is to build a big Fan Page on a niche you like, or a niche you think many people will love. I grew them to k likes to start and then I created a T shirt design and published it on Teespring.

What is CPA Marketing?

Hey. However, it takes some budget to get moneg, creativity and a lot of patience to get started. Where Adsense or many other facenook pay you for ad impressions or clicks, CPA Marketing pays you per action. If you want to learn more about this you can check my CPA Marketing blog. The trick here is to build a big Fan Page on a niche you like, or a niche you think many people will love.

I grew them to k likes to start maek then I created a T shirt design and published it on Teespring. Creating a campaign on Teespring is quite easy. Just sign up and create your account here: Teespring. Teespring will show how much the base price is. Try not to use too many colors and difficult figures to print, so your shirt is less expensive and you can make more money per shirt sold.

Finally, select your colors and other T shirts available if you want e. Teespring will give you a URL so you can promote it with Facebook. This was done with a Fan Page with 9, likes or more, if I remember correctly. As you can see, I just grabbed the link and let Facebook generate the preview image on this one. I got 67 likes and 11 shares, and reached around 1, people. Make sure you try different angles and colors.

Here are my results:. As you can see, this time I got likes and 35 shares. I was posting funny images from the TV series per day schedule your posts with FPTraffic and I posted a link to the shirt times per week. You can request your Teespring payment right after your campaign ends, which is really cool. They usually take days to send your payment paypal is my favorite method depending on the day of the week.

Of course, the big problem most people seem to get when they start using Teespring is that you need to reach a 10 sales goal before the campaign is actually completed. Especially if your Fan Page has less than 5, fans. I tried Sunfrog at first, when I makke first growing my Fan Pages and I had 2, fans or less and still got a few sales. I received a few payments like this back in January-March. Just keep in mind they pay on a NET 30 basis.

So everything you earn this month will be in your account at the end of the next month, whereas Teespring pays right after your campaigns end:. Nowadays those niches are banned from Facebook and they might shut down your ads account. Some niches where selling shirts can work quite well are:. I launched a few more campaigns and promoted them via Facebook Ads without having big Fan Pages and still made some great profit.

Not all of my campaigns were profitable, of miney. I launched campaigns between April and June, but only of them were profitable. It was an interesting experiment anyways. One of my campaigns was targeted to a field study e. Because once teesprijg hit a jackpot, you can scale it super fast and end up selling a lot of shirts. That case study will probably be published this Friday or teeepring next Wednesday. Instead of asking them to buy the T Shirt from my link, I prepared a landing page so that they could win one shirt if they subscribed to my email list.

I got subscribers in just 2 daysand when the campaign tipped, I contacted a random winner teespting I could buy the shirt for him and send him to his address. I’m a full-time Affiliate Marketing Expert and Blogger. In the past 5 years, I’ve been able to generate more than 7 figures with Digital Marketing strategies. Read my full story. Hi Joseph. All same niche? Products biggest margin? We used to test as many designs and niches as we wanted. The more we tested, the more profitable campaigns we found to scale.

It all depends on you and your budget, your design skills and available time. Margins on shirts were always lower than hoodies but hoodies. Awesome article. I would love to introduce you to ThreadMeUp and have you give us a try on your next launch. Any Facebook UID scraper still working? Greetings from Central America!! I have been researching the POD business for like the past 4 months now, and I honestly have like a million questions cause I really want to this right.

How much money do I need to start mak some ads???? What type of ad should I start with if I just want to promote my facebook page so I get more fans meaning I can then post some merch on that page? I know you are very busy so tks for ,ake the time to see all these comments! I am really appreciated. Hello Sebastian. Nice to meet you.

You might be interested in one of my latest articles about POD fwcebook. As for your questions: 1. Just this morning 1 march, my organic reach is even lower by at least times. Same for posts with link url leading outside of FB. Pure photo posts still doing okay but organic reach jake also generally lower. Yeah, organic reach is definitely down and every year it becomes worse, at least for external links.

Is there a way around this? As a rule of thumb, when you want to learn about taxes you should always hire an accountant! Hello Silva, if I should publish a design on teespring and promote it, maybe people wanna buy it, will I been the fscebook to send the shirt facebooo the buyers or teespring will send the shirt?

Teespring prints and ships all the products directly without you having to interact with any of. Your main concern should be marketing and sales. Hi, just found your site and thanks for the info. I recently was let go from my company and am looking teespring make money facebook ideas. Any help you can give mxke is greatly appreciated and thank you for your time in maie the rest of us out here!

Makw I also plan on making new designs and may try Monry in the near future. Hi Facdbook. Hi, great article! In my niche I have a Facebook page associated to my store. Do you suggest that Monney make a separate FB group to promote the niche or invest the time in the FB page?

If you can find time to have content and promote it to the group it could be a viable option. Thanks for article. Many things changed still you wrote it. Facebook pages organic traffic is not actual anymore. And in my opinion, the only way for beginner to have stabile daily sales is to pay for Facebook posts.

I just started to try selling T-shirtsand in a week I sold just one I have one main questions. Teesoring is the minimum Facebook ad budget at which you can hope to sell something at least? The budget should be around x your profit. Consider focusing your ads on conversions and you can now track every step of the sales teesprign with Teespring like Checkouts, sales or add to carts.

Great post. I plan to sell t maoe through tsprings very soon. I believe an email list would be the easiest and cheapest way to make alot more selling shirts than using face ads. That is if facebookk already has an email list just send them t shirts related to your niche tespring they will surely be interestes.

Just moneyy tip. Hi, Servando. I tried some teespring campaigns doing by myself to earn on Facebook, but zero profit. I have 1mln fans on Facebook. Hey Andrew we can become Partners! Email me! Hi, I want to say thank you first Teespring make money facebook As is how to use a Facebook ads of T shirts without getting my Facebook account blocked? Is it by shorting the direct links mmoney the products or by something else!?

Taking advantage of the resources available to me

N ot too faceook ago, I knew nothing about running a Facebook ad to sell a product. No need to pay for advertising. If you are getting a good CTR on your ads you are likely to be making money and will keep your ads going. Awesome article. When the opportunity presented itself, I had a decision to make.
