How to make money off social security number

how to make money off social security number

What Is a Savings Account? By Michael Rubin. These are four of the favorite ways crooks turn your data into their cash.

Do this to prevent identity theft of your Social Security number

Many job seekers are concerned about providing their social security numbers SSN when completing job applications. State laws vary on what information can be collected from applicants, and most states don’t prohibit companies from asking for social security numbers. However, you have the right to decide whether or not you feel comfortable giving out your social security number — just keep in mind that it may impact your chance of getting hired. Most employers that do conduct these checks do not do so until you are further along in the hiring process than the initial application. Employers are permitted to ask applicants for their social security numbers in all states. Several states including New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts require employers to put safeguards like encryption in place to protect the privacy of job seekers. Just because you are asked for your social security number, does not mean you are obligated to give it .

A loophole that basically let you get a loan from the SSA was closed.

how to make money off social security number
Identity theft thrives in the U. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to thwart identity thieves. Ultimately, it falls on individuals to protect their own number. Not everyone who requests your SSN actually needs it. Generally speaking, if an entity reports information about you to the Internal Revenue Service, you probably have to supply your Social Security number.

1: Selling information on the black market

Many job seekers are concerned about providing their social security numbers SSN when completing job applications. State laws vary on what information can be collected from applicants, and most states don’t prohibit companies from asking for social security numbers.

However, you have the right to decide whether or not you feel comfortable giving out your social security number — just keep in mind that it may impact your chance of getting hired. Most employers that do conduct these checks do not how to make money off social security number so until you are further along in the hiring process than the initial application. Oft are permitted to ask applicants for their social security numbers in all states. Several states including New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts require employers to put safeguards like encryption in place to protect the privacy of job seekers.

Just because you are asked for your social security number, does not mean you are obligated to give it. It is important for job seekers to know that they are numbed legally required to provide their social security numbers to employers, with the exception of government and national security-related jobs or jobs that require a credit check.

If the employer says giving your social security number is optional, you can simply mak not to give it. If it is required how to make money off social security number the application, you can still choose not to list it if that’s possible. If giving your social security number is a required field on an online application, securigy the answer blank may not be an option. In cases where employers conduct credit checks on employees as part of background checks, applicants will need to furnish their SSN in order to receive consideration.

Background checks are typically conducted on candidates who have already passed through the initial screening of applications. However, several states have prohibited or limited the use of koney checks for job applicants. When giving out your social security number, you need to be really careful about who you give it to and under what circumstances you disclose it. Scammers often ask for social security numbers as part of a fake job application or as part of the hiring process for a job that doesn’t exist.

The information contained in this article is not tax or legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. Job Searching Job Application Tips. By Alison Doyle. Add an Explanation. However, keep in mind that if any job listing requires your social security number and you do not list it, your application may not be considered.

Or make a notation that you would be willing to share your social security number once you are being seriously considered for employment. Another option is to list the last four digits as Otf course, employers might choose to screen out applicants who do not comply with their request for information.

If an employer ever asks you to send them money as part of the application, chances are it is a scam. If an employer you have never worked with or never heard of gives you a check, it is likely also a scam. Tear up the check and cease communication with the company. Definitely do not email your social security number to any prospective employer — or to anyone, in general.

Avoid sharing any personal information beyond your contact information. Article Sources. Continue Reading.

Growing up in America without a Social Security Number

When and When Not to Share Your SSN

Advertiser Disclosure. Retirement Planning Social Security. Well, guess what: There is a way to use Social Security as a loan of sorts. Exact card and bank nmber numbers are temporarily useful, but the more personal information a fraudster can get about you, the deeper and more inconspicuous damage they can. If your FRA is Editorial Disclaimer The editorial content on this page is based solely on the objective assessment of our writers and is not driven by advertising dollars. The U. While stolen credit cards and the like can be cancelled and replaced, it can be securit to obtain a new Social Security number. In her somewhat limited spare time, she enjoys playing in nature, watching hockey, and curling up with a good book. You also need to carefully safeguard your electronic documents that contain your Social Security number. Applying for a Passport. Once numbee identity thief has your Social Security number, they can commit all sorts of financial fraud with it, potentially leaving you on the hook for their misconduct. If only there was a way to «borrow» that money from Social Security for a while and then pay it back to avoid taking a permanent hit on your benefits. Advertiser Disclosure CreditCards. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses. Still, it’s an option to consider if you’re desperate for cash but don’t want to lose out on what could be a lifetime of higher benefits in retirement.
