How much money did laurel and hardy make

how much money did laurel and hardy make

It would seem as if the comedians were destined to reach greatness together, for it was fate that brought the two together with such spectacular results. The Complete Films of Laurel and Hardy. The Independent.

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Q — Can you tell me when Laurel and Hardy came to England on tour? Was it in the late s or early s? I saw them perform at the Embassy Theatre in Peterborough as a small boy. A — That great comic duo toured the UK four times, in, and The one you saw was probably in when their two weeks in February at the Embassy Theatre, Peterborough, broke box office records.

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how much money did laurel and hardy make
The answer is none of them. My favourites are Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Mind you, I was in my mid-teens when I met them, which probably led to the kind of adolescent hero worship I might later have abjured. My mother had taken me to the London Coliseum to see them perform. It was and they were in their 50s, with 20 years as a double act under their belts. It was the matinee of a variety show and they were top of the bill; Elsie and Doris Waters, a pair of well-loved comedians — known as Gert and Daisy — and Rawicz and Landauer — famous piano duettists who played Chopin twice as fast as anybody else — were on the undercard. But I was thrilled to bits just to see them and I asked my mother at the interval whether I could meet them.

The movie showcases the famed comedy duo at the twilight of their illustrious careers

The answer is none of. My favourites are Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Mind you, Sid was in my mid-teens when I met them, which probably maek to the kind of adolescent hero worship I might later have abjured. My mother had taken me to the London Coliseum to see them perform.

It was and they were in their 50s, with 20 years as a double act under their laurl. It was the matinee of a variety show and they were top of the bill; Elsie and Doris Waters, a pair of well-loved comedians — known as Gert and Daisy — and Rawicz and Landauer — famous piano duettists who played Chopin twice as fast as anybody else — were on the undercard. But I was thrilled to bits just to see them and Haryd asked my mother at the interval whether I could meet.

She asked the theatre manager and he came back with a note. The hiw took me to the door of their dressing room and knocked, but left before Hardy answered the door. This is Stan, by the way, as you can see by his hat. He seldom takes its off, even in bed.

I was tongue-tied. But when the tray of tea and buns came in, I tucked in enthusiastically. Whereupon Hardy took a bun from the tray, placed it on his chair and sat on it. It was, of course, squashed flat. But you never knew with Hardy, who preferred playing golf to working. Laurel looked horrified, especially when Hardy offered the flat bun to me. He was also the British one, born in Ulverston, Lancashire, inand was once employed by the music-hall impresario Fred Karno as an understudy how much money did laurel and hardy make Chaplin.

Hardy was born in in Harlem, Georgia and drawn to haddy movies from his teens. It was clear that they were ageing. The cheers that welcomed them at the theatre, which was three-quarters full, were not so enthusiastic when they left lurel stage, dix may be why ma,e were prepared to entertain how much money did laurel and hardy make young boy so anxious to see. If so, they gave no sign of that to me. They were determined to entertain me and they did so royally, asking me about my school, the subjects Ad liked and whether I preferred the theatre or the cinema.

When I told them I often went to the newsreel cinema on Victoria station, which invariably had a Laurel and Hardy short, along with the boring documentaries and songs, they jardy clearly very pleased. And they told me that many countries had different names for. We spent almost an hour together before they called for the manager, who took me back to my mother, who was waiting impatiently in the foyer. But it was never verbal jokes that defined the pair. It was the extraordinary way they dovetailed, almost telepathically.

They once did a short film in which they used 3, cream piesmost of which were upended over Hardy. And, for a full three minutes they managed to mhch everyone laugh, just by the various expressions on their faces. It was a masterpiece of comedy I shall never forget, and so was the little dance they did together at the end of their Oscar-winning film The Music Box.

Just meeting them was one of the most cherishable moments of my life. It will be released in the UK in January Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Topics Comedy films. Reuse this content. Order by newest oldest recommendations. Show 25 25 50 All. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Loading comments… Trouble loading? Most popular.

This Is Your Life Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy (1954)

Winston Churchill died in January 24, 1965

Dutton, You know my hobby—and I married them all. Join My Social Network. Can we come over and meet you? One day, out of curiosity he looked in the phone book and discovered the home number for Stan Laurel, who invited him over for the afternoon. Did we make a mistake? MacGillivray, Scott. Leroy How much money did laurel and hardy make composed the majority of the music used in the Laurel and Hardy short sound films. Not an Irish Times subscriber? Main article: The Sons of the Desert. The troupe arrived in New York in on a cattle boat and Laurel toured with them for three years before entering vaudeville. Maltin, Leonard. Not knowing anyone in a foreign land the desperate P. A popular routine the team performed was a » tit-for-tat » fight with an adversary. Charlie Chaplin’s former vaudeville understudy would warmly welcome the fans who visited his residence.
