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Moist von Lipwig is bored with his job as the Postmaster General of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office, which is running smoothly without any problems, so the Patrician tries to convince him to take over the Royal Bank and Royal Mint. Moist, content with his new lifestyle, refuses. She also makes sure that the city’s Assassins’ Guild will fulfill a contract on Moist if anything happens to the dog or if he does not do as her last will commands. Faced with no alternative, Moist tries to take over the bank and in noovel so finds out that people do not trust banks much, that the novwl of money runs slowly and at a loss, and that people now use stamps which Moist introduced in Going Postal as currency rather than coins. His ambitious changes include making money that is not backed by gold but by the city. Unfortunately, neither the chief cashier Mr Bent, rumoured to be a vampire but actually something much worse nor the Lavish family are too happy with him and try to dispose of. Cosmo Lavish tries to go one step further — he is, with the help of his servant, Heretoforewho steals Vetinari’s personal effects for a large feeattempting to replace Vetinari by taking on his identity make money drawing game novel with little success.
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Do you want to learn how to make money as a portrait artist? Then read this page, all that is described here is all from my personal experience. For days you sit in the street among other artists and you have very little work, poor earnings, despite the fact that you have an attractive portfolio of portraits drawn in pencil, charcoal and pastels? People don’t pay enough attention to these samples, and all the while you need to earn money to feed your family, and you do not know how to make enough. You can not make money on Forex Club, you do not have expensive stocks on the Petroleum Exchange, and you do not have any other profitable businesses which allow you to earn a lot of money. Your chosen business is portraiture and nothing else. It’s certainly not a rich business, you do not earn millions of dollars, unless you become a famous artist.
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Moist von Lipwig is bored with his job as the Postmaster General of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office, which is running smoothly without any problems, so drswing Patrician tries to convince him to take over the Royal Bank and Royal Mint.
Moist, content with his new lifestyle, refuses. She also makes sure that the city’s Assassins’ Guild will fulfill a contract on Moist if anything happens to the dog or if he does not do as her last will commands. Faced with no alternative, Moist tries to take over the bank and in doing so finds out that people do noveel trust banks much, that the production of money runs slowly and at a loss, and that monye now use stamps which Moist introduced in Going Postal as currency noel than coins.
His ambitious changes include making money that is not backed by gold but by the city. Unfortunately, neither the chief cashier Mr Bent, rumoured to be a vampire but actually something much worse nor the Lavish family are too happy with him and try to dispose of.
Cosmo Lavish tries to go one step further — he is, with the help of mske servant, Heretoforewho steals Vetinari’s personal effects for a large feeattempting to replace Vetinari by taking on his identity — with little success. However all the while, the reappearance of a character from von Lipwig’s past adds more pressure to his unfortunate scenario. She manages to bring them to Ankh-Morpork, and to everyone’s surprise the «four golden golems» turn out to be «four thousand golems» due to a translation error and so the city is at risk of being at war with other cities who might find an army of 4, golems threatening.
Moist discovers the magic words that control the golems and orders them to bury themselves outside the city, except for a few to power Clacks Towers and golem horses for the mail coaches. This is a reference to the Terracotta Army vame near Xi’an, China. Moist realises that these extremely valuable golems are a much better foundation for the new currency than gold and thus introduces the golem-based currency.
Eventually, an anonymous clacks message goes out to the leaders of other cities, containing the command that the golems respond to, thus making them unsuitable for using in warfare. At the end of the novel, Lord Vetinari considers the advancing age of the current Chief Tax Collector, and suggests that on his retirement a new name to take on the vacancy might present.
According to Pratchett, Making Money is both fantasy and non-fantasy, as money is a fantasy within the «real world», as «we’ve agreed that these numbers of conceptual things like dollars have a value. This machine is strangely entangled with the discworld reality.
Pratchett plays with issues of crime and what constitutes real crime throughout the novel. The novel explores white-collar crime in the bankers’ profiting off and stealing from their shareholders who might just be people who have invested their life savings and lost everything, as in the case of the Roundworld banking collapses and various financial district scams.
These people do no jail time and are «pillars of the community». On the other nnovel, Moist and Heretofore steal from people who are hoping to profit off others — in fact they scam the scammers, yet their non-violent crimes are capital offenses. Moist is forever stealing Drumknott’s pencils, which confirms in Vetinari’s mind that Moist’s criminal mind is still in evidence and that he is not completely reformed.
In the novel, the citizens of Ankh-Morpork are protesting against the employment of the Golems. This novel was written just prior to the major financial crisis ofbut there were enough warnings that the banks were in a mess, that Pratchett could not be considered prescient, merely very astute in his characterization of the corruption, the shady characters and the arrogant belief that the bankers knew everything and that the average person ‘did not understand’ the situation.
Unfortunately, in Roundworld there was no Vetinari to bring the bankers to heel, instead they got off unscathed, not one went to jail and, in fact, they were rewarded for their incompetence and unmitigated self serving gall by being bailed out by major governments around the world, most significantly the British and American governments and the respective taxpayers of those countries.
The Canadian banking system, with its tighter regulatory controls, was one of the few that remained relatively unaffected and did not require a bailout. In this book the century on the Discworld has changed, and is now novl Century of the Anchovy. This had been noted in the epilogue of the previous Moist von Lipwig novel, Going Postal.
The Koom Valley Business referred to at the beginning is a reminder of the events of the previous novel Thud! Adora Belle Dearheart and the Golem Trust return.
At the beginning of each chapter is mmoney short summary of what the chapter is. This is a similar approach to that of Victorian morality tales, giving the reader a taste of what is to come in the chapter. Unlike Going Postal, Making Money actually has a chapter eight, the number that is not spoken joney Discworld. Whether this is because Pratchett got sloppy or because the impact of superstitions of the number eight has diminished in the new century of the Anchovy is never explained.
Clearly stamps have become a much more profitable venture than pins. The references in the Chapter one heading include: Golem with a blue dress, a likely reference gxme the song Devil with a Blue Dress On by Shorty Long and William «Mickey» Stevenson, first performed by Long and released as a single in It went nowhere until it was redone in by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels. A «blue dress» is also a metaphor for an illusion, appropriate for a golem who is being a woman when golems evidently have no gender.
Another heading, Crime and Punishment is the title of a novel by Dostoevsky which involved theft and guilt about the theft. No kindness makke bears may be a play on the popular children’s stuffed toy «Care Bears» or as is more likely a reference to bear markets in the stock exchange.
Given the subject of money, The hanging man could be a reference to the bearish reversal pattern, found in an uptrend of price charts of financial assets. The name of the protagonist, Novrl von Lipwig, is very appropriate for a con man, which Moist was when he was known as Albert Spangler in «a previous life». Similarly, when Moist swings through the window into his office building, he is following in the long standing TV and movie tradition of villains and heroes escaping by launching themselves through a plate of glass to freedom; everyone from James Bond to Chuck.
Throughout the novel there are parallels with the board make money drawing game novel of Monopoly. Moist emphasizes that the paper money he is making is worth only what we value it at using the wealth of the city as a benchmark much like Monopoly money which has a value only in the game. The original Monopoly pieces were taken from a girls’ charm bracelet and over makr years pieces have included a pair of boots Cosmo Lavish stole a pair from Vetenari’s butler. There is a little dog in the novel, Mr.
Moist revitalizes his top hat. Moist’s female golem, Gladys, does the ironing. Jenkins considers a battleship as a motif for the bills he’s designing. Adora Belle gives Moist a golem horsewhich he rides the horse and rider figure. Other golem horses are discovered in the underground ‘tomb’. Dibbler asks Moist for a loan to buy a wheel barrow. Taken singly one might think that this is simply a coincidence but the disparate choice of items and Pratchett’s style in other instances of this type suggest that it was entirely intentional.
At the end of the novel, Moist is being considered for the position of tax collector and in his next novel, he acquires a railway. The line, «we encouraged mongooses to breed in the posting boxes to keep down the snakes They actually caught fire if you put too many of them gamr Cabbages are the main crop of Sto Plain and Moist and his post office commemorated this with a range of stamps, one of which was made entirely of cabbage and tended to explode.
The stamp called the ,ake which requires a large magnifying glass to see the alleged impropriety pokes fun at the zealots of the Roundworld who look gmae sexual references in everything, often going to ridiculous extremes like playing records backwards to prove their point that the object of their assault is «smut». When offered the option of the position at the bank or staying at the post office, Moist expects to find a huge pit behind the door in Vetinari’s office like in Going Postal.
Instead there is only a door with a room behind it. This is like the Lady and the Tiger analogy, where you have to guess what is going to be behind the mystery door and get the lady or be eaten by the tiger. Lord Vetinari says that «You have to consider the psychology of the individual» which is a reference to PG Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster series of books; an expression that Jeeves uses regularly.
The Tanty Bugle with its ‘orrible crime’ is a take off on such ‘true crime’ magazines and periodicals as The Police Gazette and The Newgate Calendardrawint latter subtitled The Malefactors’ Bloody Registerwhich was a popular work of improving literature in the 18th and 19th centuries. Originally a monthly bulletin maje executions, produced by the Keeper of Newgate Prison in London, the Calendar’s title was appropriated by noney publishers, who mohey out biographical chapbooks about notorious criminals such as Sawney Bean, Dick Turpin, John Wilkes and Moll Cutpurse.
As Pratchett points out, these tabloids provide a vicarious thrill for those normal law abiding citizens who lead dull boring little lives. Moist’s thoughts, «Why do they always build banks to look like temples» is a reference to the fact that banks and churches, in phallic splendor, have both through the ages always aimed to be the highest building around, accentuating their importance, power and wealth while those who support and fund them often live in poverty.
The Elim, the smallest coin of all, traditionally made by widows «and of course it’s handy to drop in the charity box». In the Bible, Jesus’s parable of the widow’s mitein which the smallest coin of all, donated by a poor widow, has more value than all the gold ostentatiously placed in there by the Pharisees, simply because it is all she has to. The line, » Food gets you through times of no gold better than gold gets you through times of no food is a reworking of Shelton and Mavrides’ hippy maxim, used drzwing their comic books about the alternative lifestyle trio The Fabulous Furry Freak Brotherswhich originally states Topsy Lavish naturally has a maiden name of Turvy — Topsy Turvy meaning upside down or in total confusion, much like the bank she manages.
The Lavishes are very reminiscent of the Borgias or the Medicis with the same extended family, devious infighting, desire for political power and political connections everywhere and Pratchett is likely using both families as a model.
Drawinf de Medici was the first of the Medici to become ruler Patrician? Both families were well know for using poison for disposing of their enemies, much like Cosmo Lavish plans. In addition, Pucci is the name of another influential family from Florence who were political allies of the Medici drawibg, particularly Cosimo. Moist asks Shady if they have a problem with clipping and sweating.
These are two methods of getting metal off coins made of precious metals like gold and silver. Clipping means to take small undetectable pieces of metal off the edges of a coin and sweating is done by putting a number of coins in a bag and shaking them until they produce dust which is collected. Both the dust and the clippings are melted into a lump of gold or silver. The other methods mentioned by Shady, painting, plating, plugging and re-casting involve respectively, painting a non-precious metal to look like gold or silver, covering drawiing non-precious metal with a thin plate of precious metal, cutting a hole in the centre of the coin and then filling it in plugging with a non-precious metal and pounding it to fill in the hole hence the expression ‘not worth a plugged nickel’ and recasting the coin with an additive such as copper so that it looks the same but has less gold or silver in it.
In fact, modern coins could be said to be ‘recast’ in that there is little or no precious noevl in them and they are cast from a mix of non-precious metals or of non-precious and some precious metal mixed in. Bent explains to Moist that he has «Nichtlachen-Keinwortz Syndrome» which deprives him of a sense of humour. Nichtlachen Keinwortz translated from German means roughly «Do not laugh at no words». Shady explains that it costs more to make a coin, particularly one of small denomination, than it is worth and that they have to work more overtime to make enough money to pay their overtime, which in turn leads to more overtime.
This resonates with bureaucracies throughout the Roundworld, particularly in government where there have been examples of a new tax actually bringing in no revenue because of the cost of creating the infrastructure needed to collect and administer the tax. According to Pratchett, the Glooper is directly taken from Roundworld’s Phillips Economics Computer, a bizarre but effective water-powered machine devised inbut which was so good at reproducing an economic cycle that the last of the Phillips machines were still going strong in economics schools in the early s, — when orthodox computer power had finally caught up with hydrology, and could finally replicate what the machines had been doing for nearly fifty years.
Terry Pratchett worked for the British nuclear power agency, a sucessor to the company that built the GLEEP, and cannot have been unaware of. The Glooper has been invented by Hubert Turvy with the assistance of an Igor. Hubert is describe as a ‘proper Hubert’ which should be a good euphemism for a ‘real geek’ if it isn’t. Hubert has all the traits of a mad scientist’ the maniacal laugh, the apparently crazy schemes that turn out to be not so crazy after all, the loyal assistant who is ready to desert him when the mob arrives.
When Hubert demonstrates the Glooper for Moist’s benefit, the machine shows exactly what happens in Reagonomics «trickle down» economics as jobs become scarce, people have less disposable income. Hubert mentions that «hemlines tend to rise in times of national crisis». This is the opposite of what supposedly happens in Roundworld and which is referred to as «Hemline Economics».
Supposedly when people are more confident in the economy they are more daring and hence spend money on the latest fashions. When the economic climate is pessimistic they dress conservatively and hemlines lower. There are many arguments that this theory is at best an oversimplification and at worse, meaningless.
Its cabbage themed events, giant Cabbage, etc are a take off on all those towns which try to create some tourist attraction to turn monye boring town into a destination — particularly popular in small town Canada with Vegreville and its giant Ukrainian Easter Egg, Sudbury with its giant nickel, Duncan with the world’s largest hockey stick, WaWa with the world’s largest Canada goose, Colborne with the world’s largest apple, etc.
Pratchett gives it a grammatical spin — confusing «whom» and «who» is a very common error — so the reader is left wondering which is the grammatically correct title. The Lavishes were old money which «meant that it had been made so long ago that the black deeds that had originally filled its coffers were now historically irrelevant.
In the Roundworld there are monwy families who made their fortunes by rum running and bootlegging during prohibition such as the Kennedys and Bronfmanns and throughout history most important and well established families have their roots in some illegal trade or dubious business dealings or .
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