Easy fundraisers to make money

easy fundraisers to make money

They give you basic contact tools to reach out to friends and family so you can tell them why you’re raising money and ask for their help. Donors can pay a small fee to enter the race with their duck. If your organization raises money or awareness for at-risk kids or kids in need, consider a celebratory event when a milestone is met by the kids. Do you have incredible nonprofit software or services that deserve to be featured on Double the Donation? If you want to help people find true love and raise a little money in the process, hose a date auction! One of the most valuable tools is our tallying tool.

Seven quick and easy fundraising ideas

Use this list to jump between sections:. Plus, each fundraising idea is ranked by fundraising potential, cost, easy fundraisers to make money popularity to help you determine which solution will fit your needs. Are you ready to start raising money for your cause? Designing and selling t-shirts is a great fundraising idea that both individuals and organizations can use to raise money. A t-shirt fundraiser is a win-win situation for everyone involved: the campaign creator gets to raise money and promote their cause via merchandise, and supporters get a memorable item in return for their donations. Then, start designing your shirt to represent your cause or project.

Simplify and grow your fundraising

easy fundraisers to make money
Fundraising has become an ugly word of sorts. Everyone, expect the ones who need the money, views fundraising as avoidable. However, with unequal wealth distribution among people of all walks of life and causes of different genres, fundraising is here to stay. Regardless of the cause, how you conduct a fundraising campaign is more important. Because it encourages unwilling donors to give away some cash. As the term suggests: to collect money for some cause, community, group or person.

What You Should Know

Use this list to jump between sections:. Plus, each fundraising idea is ranked by fundraising potential, cost, and popularity to help you determine which solution will fit your needs. Are you ready to start raising money for your cause? Designing and selling t-shirts is a great fundraising idea easy fundraisers to make money both individuals and organizations can use to raise money.

A t-shirt fundraiser is a win-win situation for everyone involved: the campaign creator gets to raise money and promote their cause via merchandise, and supporters get a memorable item in return for their donations. Then, start designing your shirt to represent your cause or project.

Finally, launch your campaign and spread the word about your t-shirt fundraiser via email, social media, and word of mouth. Did you know that you can raise money by inviting your friends out to eat? Many restaurants offer programs to help local organizations raise money. All you have to do is get in touch with the manager of the restaurant in your area. The more people that attend, the more money you can raise for your cause.

These contests are an easy way to boost interest in your campaign and get donors more excited to purchase a t-shirt. Ask your supporters to submit their t-shirt design ideas for your next event, and then either choose a winner or let everyone vote on their favorites. Next, use a custom t-shirt service, like Bonfireto order a batch of the winning design or let supporters order their.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is one of the most popular fundraising trends in recent years. This style of fundraising essentially involves recruiting volunteers who volunteer on your behalf by creating their own unique pages, which they then promote to their friends and family online. Nonprofit organizations are big fans of this campaign style because it dramatically expands their online communities in an organic way.

Peer-to-peer fundraising is a fairly flexible technique for raising support online, but it typically requires investment in dedicated campaign software. Get creative by incorporating peer-to-peer elements into your fundraising project, and be sure to carefully compare the top platforms before making a decision. Coupon books are a classic fundraising idea, especially for community-based groups like churches and neighborhood associations. Reach out to local businesses to arrange special deals and promotions that will be available to the public only via your coupon books.

The trickiest part of creating and selling coupon books is deciding on the right price to ask for it. Think carefully about what donors might be willing to pay, and weigh it against your organizations, the value of the deals, and the cost of printing the books. Personal fundraising has been on the rise in recent years. Individuals develop and host their own fundraising projects for a number of reasons, most commonly:.

Personal fundraising strategies tend to work best online, but you can adapt all kinds of ideas to your projects depending on your goals and budget. Here are a few of the most reliable and engaging personal fundraising ideas to get you started:.

Crowdfunding is one of the easiest ways for individuals to get started fundraising. Remember, though, that this personal fundraising idea requires you to have a very clear goal or an emotionally compelling story that inspires support. Offering products or rewards in exchange for crowdfunded support is a classic way to incentivize donations.

Crowdfunding with custom apparel is a common example. Look for low-risk crowdfunding platforms that offer plenty of customization options and fair processing fees. Unique pledge campaigns are a great way to catch the attention of supporters for your personal fundraising project.

This fundraising idea involves you asking for pledges in exchange for a completing a specific challenge. A typical example would be an individual asking for pledges to be collected once they complete a challenging or long-distance cycling trip.

These campaigns require considerable planning. If you choose to conduct a pledge challenge, think about ways to boost the impact of your campaign, or pair it with another fundraising idea, like custom merchandise. Potluck-style fundraising ideas will be a recurring theme in this list.

Food is a reliable way to attract attention and incentivize supporters to donate to your cause! These events work well for personal fundraising projects in which a community comes together to support a neighbor in need. Alternately, you might tone this idea down into a similar event, the classic bake sale.

Plus, for some groups and individual projects, writing fundraising letters is an extremely cost-effective way to raise support in a relatively short amount of time. Individuals looking to fund a personal project or upcoming trip can generate a lot of interest quickly by simply taking the time to reach out to community members who might be interested in making a donation.

Give readers an easy way to make a donation, like providing a URL to your donation page or crowdfunding campaign. Sometimes fundraising can feel like an insurmountable challenge, especially if you work at an organization with only a few people on staff.

These quick and easy fundraising ideas require relatively little investment of time and money compared to their potential results and popularity with donors:.

Since the prize is half the funds raised, supporters are more motivated to purchase raffle tickets and encourage their friends and family members to do the. Use the online outlets where you have the most followers to spread the word about your raffle, and announce the winner during an event where you can discuss your cause or project in more depth. To get this fundraising idea started, find a local coffee shop or wholesale provider to purchase the coffee beans at the wholesale price.

Once you get your partnership established, set up an online shop or sell your coffee beans in a busy area in your community. Raise money by charging per walk. More people than ever regularly give to charitable causes. Text-to-give tools are among the most popular forms of giving in recent years. Meeting your donors where they are their smartphones! Since text-to-give services charge a processing fee, these tools are used mainly by nonprofits or other groups that host fundraising events.

There are plenty of text-to-give services out there, each using a slightly different process and pricing structure. Do your research before choosing which tool to use.

With so many variations on the classic penny drive, you can get as creative as you like with this easy fundraising idea. Keep it simple by going with the traditional fundraiser, and ask local shops to showcase your donation jar in their store. The specific date, specific amount fundraiser is an easy way to raise money for any cause, especially for individuals that want to raise money quickly. Used book sales and rummage sales are some of the easiest fundraising ideas for groups of all sizes, particularly community groups and organiztions.

You might choose to structure your used book sale in a number of ways. Usually, the fundraising organization will ask for donations of used books to sell at the event later on, but feel free to get creative to find the method that works best for your community. Used book sales are easy fundraising ideas because they require very few additional investments other than the time it takes to plan, set up, and host.

Used books are a fun impulse purchase for many people, so with the right selection, you can raise quite a lot of support! Sending a candygram is a great way to let your friends and family know you care about. You can spread a little joy and raise money this holiday season by selling and sending personalized messages with candy and other delicious treats attached.

Just make sure to get the contact information of the recipient so you can send the candygram to the correct person. Is your budget the biggest limiting factor of your fundraising project or campaign? Here are some of our favorites:.

Alternatively, your nonprofit can partner with a local retailer. Have them sell paper hearts to their patrons, allowing you to spread the word outside your current donor base. Whatever approach you decide to take, this easy fundraising idea is a simple way to raise money and awareness for your cause. A balloon raffle is a fun and inexpensive fundraising idea that both individuals and nonprofits can use. All you need to get started are balloons, raffle tickets, and a prize.

Everyone will pop the balloons they purchase to find their raffle ticket. The person with the winning ticket gets the prize. Balloon raffles work best when they are an activity nested within a larger event, where you have a large audience of donors in one location, like during a fundraising gala or auction. Potlucks are among the most reliable fundraising ideas out there! Take the time to plan your community potluck event, promote it to your community, and find the right event space.

Give attendees plenty of time to register to bring a dish, and decide how much you want to charge for tickets. Raising money for your cause can be as simple and heartwarming as organizing a baby photo contest!

Everyone at your office or in your community can participate by bringing in a silly, adorable, or even embarrassing photo of themselves as a child. Line up all the photos and have people vote on their favorite one by placing money beside the images they like. The person with the photo that has the most money wins! You can give the winner a prize or split the money you raised to make this fundraiser as inexpensive as possible. Hosting a garage sale is a great way to give unwanted items a new home and raise money for your cause.

Gather all the items around your home that you no longer want, and ask your friends and family members to donate items to your garage sale. Open shop right outside your home and post signs around the neighborhood to draw in interested buyers. To bring in an even bigger crowd, promote your garage sale on social media a few weeks in advance. Creating an event on Facebook an easy way to spread the word. Discount cards can be one of the cheapest fundraising ideas for organizations and individuals if you invest plenty of time into developing.

Discount cards are one of our favorite fundraising ideas for sports teamsbut they work great for other groups in both small towns and tight-knit neighborhoods. Are you an expert at HTML code? Have a green thumb? Or know basic photography skills? Put your expertise to use, and set up a class to raise money for your cause or project. Charge admission to attend and place a donation jar in a visible location so participants can give.

Host one class or host a bunch of courses depending on your schedule and how much you need to raise.

Personal Fundraising Ideas

Have participants bring a soup ingredient, and cook up the recipe. A simple parking lot can be transformed into a spectacular course with some parking cones, baby pools, and rope. Why not try to make some money and put them up for sale at an art auction? Do Artistic Commissions. These campaigns require considerable planning. Think about your online audiences and the mission of your fundraising monney. Christmas Decoration Service. A leisurely golf tournament is a great way to get to know some of the movers and shakers in your community and eaey for their support for your charity or cause.
