I mentioned in my blog post that it is certainly easier for those with a large following to sell easier. I like to call them «senesisters». I also wear Bella and Roseberry a lot too!
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What’s all the hype about this Lipsense by SeneGence Well, about 2 months ago I finally gave in and decided to try this Lipsense, to see what all the rave was. Well, after the first time of using it I’m hooked lol I work in surgery and with that comes working 13 hour shifts and wearing a mask allllll day. By the end of my shift, I barely have makeup on, much less lipstick. I applied the lipsense the morning I left for work and lo and behold
What Is The Senegence Opportunity
This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, when you make a purchase. Please, read my affiliate disclaimer for more details. I realized that I was doing a disservice to them, and so I decided to broaden my niche a bit and write about the different ways to make extra money from home. So today, I want to focus on how to make extra money on the side. You can use that money to buy groceries, pay cable or put some in your savings account. And the best part is that this is money you earn anywhere in the world. No restrictions.
How Do You Make Money With Senegence
What’s all the hype about this Lipsense by SeneGence Well, about 2 months ago I finally gave in and decided to try this Lipsense, to see what all would you love making extra money with lipsense rave was. Well, after the first time of using it I’m hooked lol I work in surgery and with that comes working 13 hour shifts and wearing a mask allllll day. By the end of my shift, I barely have makeup on, much less lipstick.
I applied the lipsense the morning I left for work and lo and behold I’m honestly still not sure how that’s possible but love that it is. Since then I have bought 5 more! When you first start wearing it, it drys yours lips out a little.
But, the more you wear it, it will begin to moisturize your lips. The only downfall is that it is a little costly. Now you have to have the glossy gloss to put over your 3 layers of color. There is also a Oops remover in case you mess up, but I just use any astringent that has glycerine in it. There are so many colors choices and the cool part would you love making extra money with lipsense you can mix colors to create brand new colors.
By mixing colors for example: 2 coats of Carmel Apple 1 coat Bombshell and then glossy gloss you can tone down bright colors or brighten light colors as well! I do not sell this, just a girl who really likes it!! Lol hope y’all enjoy this as much as I do! Some of my favs! Below is the glossy gloss you will need to top your color. Find the best shopping inspiration and advice from our community of shoppers.
Report Content. Beauty, LipSense, Makeupp. Share Like Login to Comment. Jackie Bugdanavage over 3 years ago. I have never heard of this brand before it sounds great! Jackie Bugdanavage I have never heard of this brand before it sounds great! You should try it out if you get the chance!
Jackie Bugdanavage replied to over 3 years ago. Noel Miller over 3 years ago. Cassandra Garza over 3 years ago. I rarely wear makeup but this sounds really cool! Brittney Barton replied to 3 years ago. There’s more to see and do Sign up to see more great content and exchange inspiration with our community.
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How to Sell LipSense and Have a 100% GUARANTEED Returning Customer!
I appreciate your reply and I do understand your reference point. You are not alone in makinh, I promise! We have better things to do than re-apply lipstick every couple of hours. All you have to do is spend is generate PV worth of Lipsense products per month. So frustrating. Maybe you will get the item later…or maybe not. Anyway, my thoughts are that a company should not sign up new distributors, if they cant provide them with the products. Trying out their lipsticks was woulx far the most positive aspect of my SeneGence experience. I believe if you are within 45 days of sign up you can request a refund for your starter kit fee.
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