How to make money in desperate times

how to make money in desperate times

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how to make money in desperate times
In these times of hardship, with jobs being lost and everything going up in price, there is always a few days in the month when you get to the stage of being completely broke. You start to panic and think, what on earth am I going to do? I know, I have had many days like this. Especially if, like me, you have been in a really good job, with a monthly paycheck, then all of a sudden you are made redundant. There is always welfare where you can claim a few dollars, but that never ever seems to last longer than a few days. What with electricity bills and telephone, food and gas prices, we can get caught up in the struggle and feel nothing but despair.

1. Money-making strategy: Drive for Uber or Lyft

In these times of hardship, with jobs being how to make money in desperate times and everything going up in price, there is always a few days in the month when you get to the stage of being completely broke. You start to panic and think, what on earth am I going to how to make money in desperate times I know, I have despegate many days like. Especially if, like me, you have been in a really good job, with a monthly paycheck, then all of a sudden you are made redundant.

There is always welfare where you can claim a few dollars, but that never ever seems to last longer than a few days. What with electricity bills and telephone, food and gas prices, we can get caught up in the struggle and feel nothing but despair. You can even get to the stage where you think that maybe it is a good idea not to get out of bed in the morning because you haven’t got enough money to buy food for the day.

I am not saying it is easy. In fact you will have to live on your wits. But there is always somewhere in your town that you should be able to do the things that will bring in enough money to feed you or get gas for your car.

Whatever it is that you desperately need. I had to do this recently and luckily it worked! First of all, think about what you can sell quickly. Nearly everybody will have something that they can make a few dollars. Over the years you will have accumulated rings and bracelets, little bits of jewelry that are either gold, silver desperte a mixture of the two.

It doesn’t matter if the object in question has only a small piece of gold or silver. Break it apart and collect up the metal. Most towns or Cities have a Jewelry shop that will buy your gold and silver. I did this last week, with a ring that never fitted me in dezperate first place!

In fact Mohey forgot that I had it. It was gold. At this point you have to decide whether the ring that cost a couple of hundred dollars is worth giving up for scrap. If you are desperate then fine, you should earn at least thirty dollars for it. It all depends on the weight. Silver is quite good, but you will need quite a bit more of it to make any money.

Even ten dollars desperte enough if you are hungry or desperate for something that you need. As I explained in my hub about scrap metalthere is always a way to earn quick desperxte by scrapping copper or aluminium.

Just strip the metal, and take it to the nearest scrap dealer. A good idea is to always collect old pieces of wire, so if you need money you can burn away the plastic coating and get the copper. And never throw away any metal pieces, keep old tools and broken washing machine parts in your garage. You never know when they will come in handy. If you are aware of the fact that you are going to be a bit short ni money, plan a garden sale.

All you need to do is set out a table by your front gate, and pile it with old books, clothes and ornaments. Be aware though that if you set up your table outside of your garden you will probably need a licence to sell.

So make sure you are within your own boundaries. I live in a rich town, unfortunately! Everything is so expensive. But even here, the residents do this occasionally.

It seems to be a popular pastime! I have often walked past a house with a table set out with personal goods and a sign saying, ‘Please leave money in the tin’! I am not sure I tmies leave it to chance though!

Get yourself a chair and a book and just wait for customers, everybody loves a bargain. This idea takes a bit of extra confidence on your. Obviously this will be a bit more difficult if you don’t get on with your neighbors, or you live quite a way from the nearest house. But most of us do have neighbors that we talk to, or visit occasionally. For example, if you know your neighbor has just bought a shed, or started work on their garden.

Search for any garden tools that you don’t want or need, and go and knock on their timfs. Explain your problem, you need sugar or bread, money for the omney etc, and would they be prepared to swap for the garden tools? Now, I know this sounds strange and completely out of character, but believe me, it does work! I live on an estate and we all seem to do. If I run out of sugar, I asked the neighbour next door, and at the same time offer something in return. It doesn’t have to be an object that you.

You could timfs to take the dog out, or help with their decorating. Get the idea? This may sound a bit ‘out there’ but hear me. I combine the readings with psychology, and before a reading I tell the client that I have no idea where the information comes from, I don’t claim to be in touch with great Aunt Sally, who passed over in the 14th century at the time of the plague!

I tell them that we all have a certain type of psychic ability, some call it intuition, and this is what I use. I trained to be a psychologist, in fact I only had one more course to do and I would have been a counselor, so as you can see I am qualified. I find that it helps the person to whom I am doing the reading, because by reading the cards they tend to open up and confront any demons or phobias that they.

My point is, if you learn to do the Cards, then you can make money, even if it is not regularly. Someone always wants their cards read! There are various ways of earning a quick buck if you put your mind to it. But it does take determination and confidence.

The one bit of advice I will leave you with is. Whatever you do to try to make some money quickly, always remember not to look desperate! Make up a good excuse. For example, you need the money for your holiday pot. Or you are travelling the next day, and need some extra cash, but it’s not that important. If people think you are desperate they will try and con you. I know it’s not nice, but it is a fact, I am afraid. I always say, before I go out on one of these ventures, ‘Hold onto your dignity, and your purse will look after itself!

Sign in or sign up and post using un HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Thanks Steve, I do agree my mother used to be a ghost writer, I may just look into it, thanks. Hi Shyron, thanks so much for reading, yes in the past I have done scrap dealing, but not recently thank goodness! Hi Nell, thanks for the tips. We collect aluminum can and sell them to the recycle center. Voted — hwo, Useful Interesting and shared.

I hope the day comes when you don’t need to do any of the things you suggested. Wow I loved the hub and I had to read all comments. You never know when times can get tough. Lots of people do pet sitting or dog walking.

Busy people don’t have time to take their pets out or vesperate are going on vacation and want to leave their dog at home. At kennels they catch a kennel cough and they charge alot. I am sure you will spend more desperatf with the animals. Sometimes dogs or cats even birds. Have a great day. Thanks Heather, you should have grabbed it and taken it in! Hi Laura, yes thats so true, if we get behind in our bills too, ask for help, I have done that before, thanks for reading, nell.

Nice hub, thanks. Also consider going through all bills and getting rid of unnecessary ones to reduce monthly expenditures. I worked at an automotive shop once and we had a guy that came around the shops for scrap metal. Most of the shops in town were happy to get rid of the extra clutter and not have to pay a disposal fee. I had forgotten all about that til. Great ideas. Great hub! Yes, these are very common here in my Country.

Especially, the one with your drawer thinggy. Most of us here, would open their drawer and sell or make those shiny little thins to a collateral for money.

The psychology of making money.

Here are ten things you can do to make money in an hour or. This often involves writing or stating your eesperate, answering polls or surveys, or breaking off in a discussion group. This platform is a great resource for people. You could potentially save thousands of dollars on your monthly bills how to make money in desperate times making a few phone calls and asking for a discount. Yet, one perk of living in the Internet Age is that we can now showcase our skills online, so hop on Craigslist or a similar site like TaskRabbit and describe your know-how. You’ll have to drive the car enough to be worth it for brands paying for your services. You might even take the opportunity to house sit in another state to get desperte free place howw stay during a vacation. Companies with products and services pay people to join focus groups to help with improving the development and marketing. Buyers browse by brand or categories.
