Make more money as a personal trainer

make more money as a personal trainer

With Facebook adverts, you can target people with a specific interest. A good place to start is the Centre for Cities Data website which is a comprehensive online resource on this topic. Write it in your book and treat it like a paid appointment that cannot be moved or cancelled. We have about 17 trainers. To increase your price, you need to retain your current clients by getting them the big 3: Results Relationships Fun If they are getting better in and out of the gym, if they are building a good trainer client relationship, and if they are enjoying their training sessions, they will stay with you. I think it is extremely important to be sincere and enjoy what you do. Either way, if you want to grow your brand this post will help you understand the business and marketing aspects of being a PT and ultimately grow your personal trainer business.

Advanced Certifications

If you want to increase your earning potential, then here are some great actionable tips to get you started. Implement a membership model instead. You can offer different memberships for different lengths e. This will help you get a steadier cash flow, not to mention that you will never deal with missed sessions due to cancellations. Training in the gym may be good, but did you know that personal trainers who offer in-home training earn more? You can double or triple your earning potential just by training your clients in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. At the same time, in-home training means your clientele is willing to pay a little more money than they would pay a gym.

The authority on physical activity

make more money as a personal trainer
The longer answer is that, as most things are, if you are fantastic at your job and if you market and sell yourself well, you can make good money. If you want to take a deep dive into whether or not a fitness trainer career is for you, check out this article — Is Fitness Trainer A Good Career? Depending on the city you live in, these numbers may be even higher to get comfortable or be a star, but I wanted to take what we are seeing right now as the major annual income numbers. I want to use averages and totals here merely to give you an easier way to look at the math more generally. If we take that formula as a baseline, we can look at the levers you can pull in order to make more money as a personal trainer.


If you want to increase your earning potential, then here are some great actionable tips to get you started. Implement a membership model instead. You can offer different memberships for different lengths e.

This will help you get a steadier cash flow, not to mention that you will never deal with missed sessions due to cancellations. Training in the gym may be good, but did you know that personal trainers who offer in-home training earn more? You can double or triple your earning potential just by training your clients in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. At the same time, in-home training means your clientele is willing to pay a little more money than they would pay a gym. You can set your own prices, and keep your clients satisfied by providing personal training plans and routines that will help them achieve their goals.

However, keep in mind that boot camps should be offered at a group rate, which is usually a small percentage e. Make sure to ask for payment upfront to avoid chasing down payment for services rendered. Some people may be able to lose weight by simply changing their diet habits; others may have to engage in daily exercise to burn the extra fat.

This is a great way to boost your clientele and increase your earning potential, as many clients look for a make more money as a personal trainer plan only, or already have one and would like a workout plan that works for. Create workout subscriptions that give them access to daily workouts. Connect with our experts: Offer In-Home Personal Training Training in the gym may be good, but did you know that personal trainers who offer in-home training earn more?

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How To Create A Six Figure Fitness Business

An In-depth Look at The Personal Training Profession

If you prospect the floor with the composure of «I am just here to help» and «I am not looking for new clients», people will want to train with you, they will be drawn to you as a trainer. It is a well known fact that private personal trainers have the potential to make far more than gym trainers. Your email address will not be published. It is also dependent on experience and whether or not you have your own facility. The training sessions are fun, and helping others is a dream job. These classes can pay nicely from between 20 and 30 pounds for the hour. There is a catch for private personal trainers, however, and that is that they have to drum up enough business to write their own paycheck. The key to being comfortable with sales is getting people to trust you. The more of your clients that you keep for longer, the more full your client list gets and the more make more money as a personal trainer you have to charge people. Jill can sell her program to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. The book states that these areas form the core of your marketing plan. Promotion Lots of options. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Feature Articles. I assume that cities with higher costs of living would be accounted for in pay and vice versa for smaller citiesbut we were unable to find any other data on .
