Make money helping blind people

make money helping blind people

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Make money helping people with a blog

The Department of Human Health and Services reports that 4. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 10 references. This article has also been viewed 86, times. Log in Facebook Loading

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make money helping blind people
Crowned the UK’s Best Money Making Blogger for the past 3 years, join my free 6 week money making course to learn about tried and tested side hustles to make you more money. Signing up means you will also be signed up to my newsletter — unsubscribe at any time. There are so many ways to make extra money, and earn a living, but it also feels great to help people, doesn’t it? Typically, the types of jobs that help people, such as caring or nursing, don’t come with a big salary. Even if you could have unlimited earning potential from helping others. Having a blog is one of the best ways to make money helping people.


The Department of Human Health and Services reports that 4. To create this article, 12 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Together, they cited 10 references. This article has also been viewed 86, times. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article.

We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info 10 References Updated: April 17, Learn more Greet the person out loud.

When you walk into a room where a blind person is waiting, saying something right away will alert them to your presence. If the person offers a hand to shake, go ahead. Tell the person when you leave the room. It might not be intuitive, but you should always say something when you’re about to leave. Don’t just assume the person will be able to hear you walking.

This is frustrating and embarrassing. Ask if the person would like help. If it seems as though the person could use some assistance, the best thing to do is ask instead of just assuming they require your help.

Just politely say, «would you like me to help? But if the answer is no, it’s impolite to insist. Many blind people are perfectly capable of getting around without help.

In some situations, there’s really no need to even ask. For example, if everyone’s sitting around a table and the blind person is already seated, you don’t need to walk up and ask if there’s anything you can. Be sensitive to the situation and don’t make assumptions. Ask the person questions directly.

Many people who bllind have experience around the blind aren’t sure how to address the blind person, so they instead address his or her companion. In a restaurant, for example, it’s common for servers to ask the person seated next to a blind person if they would like more water, a menu, and so on. Blind people can hear just fine, and there’s absolutely no reason not to address them as you would anyone.

It could make a blind person more uncomfortable for you to talk to them in a way that’s different from how you’d talk to other people. Guide dogs are highly trained animals that enhance the lives and safety of blind people. Blind people rely on their guide dogs to navigate, and that’s why you shouldn’t call or pet one.

If the dog becomes distracted, this could create a dangerous situation. If the person invites you to pet the dog, its OK to do so, but don’t touch the dog. Asking a lot of questions or making a big deal about someone being hel;ing is impolite. Blind people have already answered these questions. Every day they encounter situations and places that cater to people who are sighted.

You can help a blind person feel more comfortable by being sensitive to this and just talking with them in a normal way. One common myth people often ask blind people about is whether they have a heightened sense of hearing or smell.

Blind people have to rely on these senses more than sighted people do, but it’s not true that they have super powers makd it comes to hearing and smell, and it’s rude blimd assume. The person may not want to talk about why they are blind. For example, it could have been due to a scary accident that is very painful to remember. If they bring it up, it’s fine to keep asking more questions and continue the conversation, but don’t call attention to it.

Blind people memorize where the furniture is in homes, classrooms, offices and other places they frequently go to. Moving the furniture around could be confusing and possibly unsafe. If you do move it, tell the person exactly how the layout of the room has ,ake. Offer a guiding arm. If the person has asked for assistance in walking from one place to another, offer your arm by touching their hand to the back of your arm, just above the elbow.

This is a comfortable place for the person to hold your arm as b,ind walk. Walking too fast could cause the person to trip. If the person uses a guide dog or cane, walk on the opposite. Describe things in make money helping blind people. As you walk, talk about what you’re encountering. If you come to a curb, say «curb up» or «curb down» to let the person know they need to step.

Be very specific and describe things in terms of where they are. Help the person sit down, if needed. As you do so, describe the height of the chair and which way hepping facing. Help the person take the stairs, if needed. Begin by saying whether the steps are leading up or down, and describe how steep they are and how long the staircase is. If you’re guiding the person, take the steps first, and make sure the person has time to step up behind you along the way.

Help the person move through a doorway. As you approach the door, make sure the person is on the side with the hinge, and explain which way the door swings. Open the door and step through. Place the person’s hand on the doorknob, and let him or her close it after you’ve both passed. Help the person get into a car. As you approach oeople car, tell them which way the car is facing and which door is open. They will probably be able to open the door and get seated, but stand by in case your assistance is needed.

Share with the person that blindness is not a tragedy. If you have a friend or family member who has just become blind, the person may be struggling and frightened. They are probably spending a lot of time with doctors and therapists to make different life transitions. It’s difficult to know what to say, but many blind people lead full, wonderful lives, with a rich school or work life and normal relationships.

If the person shares that they would like hepling talk about being blind, be an empathetic listener. Learn about the best ways to assist a loved one who’s blind, from helping the person develop a new organizational system to arranging the house in a way that’s more accessible.

Provide the person with information on organizations for the blind. Joining organizations for blind people is an essential way to make the transition from sighted to blind. It helps to talk with other people who have been through the same thing and who have a lot to teach what changes to make. Discuss rights and resources. Living life as a blind person noney been made much easier due to modern maake, policies and laws geared toward facilitating blind people’s needs.

If you know someone who is newly blind, help them find resources that will give helpin or her access hekping everything from equipment designed to help people read online to Social Security benefits to counseling, and so on. What should I do if I see a blind stranger waiting at a light-controlled crossing? Approach the person and ask them if they need assistance. If they say that they would like assistance, ask if they would like to be guided. If so, ask them where and how they would like to be guided.

Some people prefer to hold the sighted person’s arm just above the elbow, while others prefer to walk beside or slightly behind the sighted person. Respect their choice. If the person declines assistance, gracefully accept it. Never force your assistance peopls someone who may not want it. Yes No. Not Helpful 0 Helpful It just happens. The Mythbusters did a test and showed that if your eyes are covered and can’t hear a sound, you’ll walk in random directions all the while thinking you’re walking straight.

It can be hard to walk in a straight line without vision. This is one reason that a blind person needs help with mobility.

Earning Income and Work or Job Opportunities for the Blind and Visually Impaired

This kind of opportunity would allow you to work from home, and while the learning and amount of work is flexiblethere are absolutely no scams! Good luck! Those include analytical skills, motivational skills, and the ability to set and implement goals. I never really thought about what jobs helpjng blind person could do, but of course they can do most jobs that a sighted person can. Part of that effort lies on the person who is most affected peeople their disability, in this case, the person who lacks sight. It may interest you to know that I know at least one or more people in each of these occupations. If you want more information on the above, or want to consider capable blind people for your job make money helping blind people, please call us at or e-mail us at info blindinc. Share Tweet. Please send it to star projectstarfishusa. Send us your resume for a discussion.
