Whale Hunting Another great way to earn money by exploring the sea is to partake in frequent whaling adventures. Animal skins sell for a moderate amount, but whale skins can earn you quite a bit of loot, especially if you’re good at whaling and can bring in several skins in a short period of time. We may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service. If you do this you can seriously forget every other way to make money because it’ll be pointless! User Info: hugaddict hugaddict 6 years ago 9 I am still really early in the game, upgrading before missions
Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag Fast Money
Another way to make money earlier in the game so as to acquire the best possible gear in Havana, is by pickpocket. Now, you can pickpocket guards, but only certain ones have enough money to be stolen for it to be worth it. The only guards worth pickpocketing are the ones usually on roofs, who carry the throwing knives that couriers also carry. Now, for citizen pickpocketing. If blaci find a large crowd, feel free to pickpocket anyone and .
Enjoy the Ride
Money was never an issue. Throwing a lot of it to cause a mayhem on the streets, hiring dancers and thieves to distract guards, buying weapons and upgrades and even upgrading the town; still I never ran out of it. Since the various activities in the game eat up your hard earned Reales in an instant, the game does deliver a ton of ways using which you can stay on the game. In this money-making guide, I will talking about different ways and exploits with which you would be bathing in Reales in no time. Still, if you found something missing, do let us know in the Comment Section below.
How to make money in AC4 Black Flag
If you’re just looking for gold you should definitely be hunting for Sugar and Rum as those two are meant to only be sold and not used for anything. After that swim back to your ship. Some articles have Vimeo videos embedded in moneyy. Assassin contracts. User Info: brokensocket brokensocket Topic Creator 6 years ago 3 Ok, they are not very quick ways, the fleet missions get you about in the end but you wait about blwck hours. Some even have the opportunity to get you an additional Reales if you remain undetected. For another change of pace you can become a killer for hire. User Info: iesus.
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