You are a badass at making money worksheet

you are a badass at making money worksheet

What that book did first, however, was get my butt in gear. What does this book do? Jen reminds me of several friends who are big advocates of multi-level marketing schemes. I know for me, when something seems a little scary or unknown, I tend to shy away from it and avoid dealing with it head on. Sometimes, being silent can be purposeful and insightful. ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. Get in the flow.

Be willing to change

And they bring the discussion full circle, kaking how you can take your new badass attitude about money and translate it into a thriving business in the YouEconomy. The way we feel about money can sneak its way into our subconscious belief. Sincero shares some of the thought patterns people associate with their cash:. Sincero says these are fear-based thoughts. Thirty-three percent of adults have earned money through the YouEconomyan economic space that ranges from Lyft drivers to major entrepreneurs.

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you are a badass at making money worksheet
Money is one of the most loaded, loved, and loathed topics known to man. Yet even though we use money every single day of our lives, we rarely stop to consider how we feel about it, speak about it, or what we truly believe. Or that in order to make money you have to work really hard doing stuff you really hate. Nobody gets to the top of the mountain without falling on his or her face along the way. We live in a fearful society that has perfected the art of doubting, weaned us on worry, and trained us to focus on everything that can or has gone wrong. Get specific on why you desire more money — what exactly will you spend it on?

A Whole New World

Money is one of the most loaded, loved, and loathed topics known to man. Yet even though we use money every single day of our lives, we rarely stop to consider how we feel about it, speak about it, or what we truly believe. Or that in order to make money you have to work really hard mooney stuff you really hate.

Nobody gets to the top of the mountain without falling on his bdaass her face along the way. We live in a fearful society that has perfected the art of doubting, weaned us on worry, and trained us to focus on everything that can or has gone wrong. Get specific on why you desire mpney money — what exactly will you spend it on?

How much do all these things and experiences cost? The problem is that few things scare the crap out of human beings more than the unknown with the possible exception of death. But because leaping into the unknown is required for growth, you must view fear as the best compass. If you want to get rich, let your fear lead the way. Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of.

It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality. I am grateful that money was there when I needed it. So often when we get into freak-out mode about not having enough money, we focus our energy on paring down, shrinking back, denying ourselves, always saving, never spending. To this I say: Ho hum. Donate to your favorite causes and drink champagne.

You are a mighty moneymaking machine who can create whatever reality you maklng your mind to. If your entire relationship with money is devoid of ylu, money becomes something you fear and loathe rather than aee to celebrate and enjoy. Obviously, this is not a free pass to live beyond your means.

Figure out how much you need to afford the things and experiences that are important to you and set about with no-nonsense determination to make this money instead of cutting. Strategize about seeking that raise you deserve. Search for a better, more satisfying, and higher paying job. Turn a hobby into a money maker. Provide a service that you see lacking in the marketplace. But have we really made a decision at all? If you desire to get rich, the number one most important thing you can do is decide for reals to get rich.

This decision outweighs all excuses, fears, and distractions. You, like hopefully all other living creatures on Earth, workhseet here to thrive, not just to survive. So design your life from a place of anything is possible, not from a place of covering your butt. Aim to make the kind of money that allows you to live the life you love, complete with all the things and experiences that make you leap out of bed in the morning to the sound of victory trumpets.

But you do need to stretch. Seek makinh. Take risks. Be diligent about your attitude and your thoughts. Put yourself out. And take whatever baby steps or big leaps you need to take in the direction of your dreams. We use money every single day of our lives, yet we rarely take the time to acknowledge it, appreciate it, pay attention to it, or notice its comings and goings in our lives.

Imagine if we treated all our relationships like this! Like any other relationship, the more attention, love, and appreciation we give to money, the more it wants to hang out with us and the more we allow ourselves to hang out with it.

Notice any weirdness you may have about receiving it, if you apologize or shrink back from accepting it and shift into a state of grace around receiving it. Take notice of how money is enhancing your life, what it buys you, how good it feels to share it, all the awesome possibilities it represents. Giving and receiving money is an exchange of energy and appreciation.

Get in the flow. You have the power — through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions — to create your reality. Whatever environment or circumstance you currently find yourself in is not your reality, but rather your temporary situation.

Your reality is whatever you decide it is. Visualize the specifics of a new reality that excites you. Train all your thoughts, words, and beliefs on the fact that this new reality is available to you and take radical action to make it manifest. We humans tend to be rather impressed by how much we know. Meanwhile, one of the most profound ways to transform your life is to act like you know very little.

By staying open to new experiences and curiosity instead of being a know-it-all, you allow yourself you are a badass at making money worksheet go from knowing something in your head to understanding it and living it. Keep an open mind, stay curious, keep learning, and you will start raking in those aha moments, as well as the dough. More likely than not, you will spend a large portion of your life working in order to make money. Which means if you have a good attitude towards work and money, you will live a mostly enjoyable life.

A simple shift sorksheet your perspective can make a massive worksheer in your quality of life. Decide that making more money is a fun challenge instead of a crushing necessity. Just see what you can get away. See if you can sell your paintings for thousands of dollars. See if you can get a big fat raise and promotion at work. See if you can increase the sales in your business by one hundred thousand dollars this year. You get one shot at being the you that is you on planet Earth, and you get to choose how you experience it.

Why not choose to enjoy it? By Jen Sincero April 17, You May Like. Read More.

Get clear on your financial goals

This is exactly how I feel about money, and why I decided to become a financial coach. Being rich is not a one-mansion-fits-all scenario—your definition of what it means to be rich is whatever gadass want it to be. A simple shift in your perspective can make a massive difference in your quality of life. Both money and sex can provide unthinkable pleasures, birth new life, and inspire violence and divorce. Despite packing up and moving everything to California two years earlier, I started to feel stuck. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. But then, having access to these essentials usually requires money. No need to leave home. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly bwdass your browser. Jen uses the following example to explain different meanings and energies that money can have. Discover what it is thats preventing you from doing this and start embracing and overcoming it. Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust. After years and years, I still apply what I’ve learned .
