Business majors make the most money

business majors make the most money

Whereas companies are always initiating projects to increase revenue, minimize cost, and increase the economy. You will develop an understanding of the fundamental accounting concepts and principles including tax laws, legal documents, and business operations. HR specialists will also help with employee relations, compensation plans, and benefits. Training and development manager is another role you can attain with a graduate degree in human resources, the BLS reported.

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Like countless other college students, Susannah Lloyd-Jones struggled with her choice of major. Finally, in her junior year at Loyola University in Chicago, she picked sociology, a decision that «opened my mind and introduced me to other cultures, » she said. More than two years after graduation, though, Ms. Lloyd-Jones, now a year-old paralegal from Maplewood, Kake. Lloyd-Jones says majkrs she had it to do over, she would probably still study sociology but take more business classes and work some internships. She said students feel tremendous pressure over the choice of a major, which could be an important career decision, when many are just beginning to understand themselves.

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business majors make the most money
More and more people seem to be unwilling to add to that number. Between enrollment was down , students. Graduating with that kind of debt has long-term consequences. Currently, about 44 million of us have student loan debt and seven million of us are in default. That hurts the overall US economy. When people are burdened by debt, they have to delay or forgo things like marriage, children, and starting a business. It also has negative effects on the community.

15. Budget director

Like countless other college students, Susannah Lloyd-Jones struggled with her choice of major. Finally, in her junior year at Loyola University in Chicago, she picked sociology, a decision that «opened my mind and introduced me to other cultures, » she said. More than two years after graduation, though, Ms. Lloyd-Jones, now a year-old paralegal from Maplewood, N. Lloyd-Jones says if she had it to do over, she would probably still study sociology but take more business classes and work some internships.

She said students feel tremendous pressure over the choice of a major, which could be an important career decision, when many are just beginning to understand themselves. Many students and career counselors say the pressure to choose the «right» major is more intense than ever because of factors like rising tuition costs and the uncertain economy.

Parents and students today often consider college more an investment than a time of academic and personal exploration. Some students say they are education consumers seeking the best return on that investment, which is busines financed with a student loan. In their recently published «College Majors Handbook With Real Career Paths and Payoffs» Jist Publishingthree economists from Northeastern University in Boston try to quantify just how much students with a variety of majors can expect to earn in their careers.

The authors concluded that choosing a major was more crucial to future financial success than the college attended.

One of the authors, Paul E. Harrington, an economist and associate director at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern, said that, on average, humanities and education majors fared far worse financially than students in business or engineering.

Harrington said the research was not intended to dissuade sociology majors from following their passions. Instead, he hopes business majors make the most money information will help students prepare carefully when choosing a busoness. He recommends that students contemplating majors in the liberal arts or humanities also take some business-oriented courses. A philosophy major, Mr. Harrington said, should mahors get some real-world internship experience.

But some makee worry that choosing a career based primarily on economic factors can lead students to make poor choices. Jieun Chai, a Stanford University graduate, for instance, deeply regrets not majoring in Asian languages. Chai wrote on her Web journal. Think about your career in consulting, engineering, medicine or law. Alysha Cryer, who was Ms. Lloyd-Jones’s roommate at Loyola, withstood pressure from classmates and family members who urged her to attend law school moxt study business. Cryer said that sticking with sociology was the most satisfying, if not financially rewarding, decision she could have.

After graduating inshe maoe a public relations and marketing job at a nonprofit organization in Chicago called Little Brothers, a group that matches volunteers with elderly clients. Inshe moved to Manhattan to work for Catalyst, a nonprofit research and advisory organization. Cryer said. Monwy said. I should have taken the unpaid internship instead of working at T. Friday’s to pay for tuition. Mohey tells graduates they should think of themselves not as majros or sociology majors, but as workers with marketable skills like mobey, writing tge communications.

A danger in the Northeastern economists’ research, he said, is that it adds to the «mythology» that only dollar figures are important in choosing a field of study, and it does not account for differences in personality, aptitude, interest and values. Vogt considers the pressures facing current students far greater than those of generations past. Trudy Steinfeld, director of career services at New York University, tells students that majors should be less about preparing for one career and more about preparing for many options, and probably several careers, over a koney.

She agrees with the Northeastern mzjors showing that finance, accounting and technology degrees will lead to higher salaries. But she says she also sees liberal arts majors who become equally successful.

Steinfeld said. There are hundreds of majors out there, and it’s almost always a mistake to base the decision hte money. Steinfeld agrees, though, that students can run into overwhelming pressure from many sources. Parents paying even a portion of college costs may wonder if a major in philosophy will pay the bills. And if their children change majors, it could extend college from 8 semesters to 9 or 10, at an additional cost. Nevertheless, Priscilla Molina, 18, an N. Many of her friends are pursuing business careers, but that, she said, will moxt affect her decision.

She is fascinated by international relations and is leaning toward anthropology. I don’t want to regret why I didn’t major in something I enjoy.

College Degrees That Earn The Most Money

Is College Worth It?

You might associate the field maiors psychology more with counseling or clinical treatment than with business. A project manager delivers the project and plans ahead its objectives. Job Title: Project Accountant. Salaried partners kost those who have not invested directly in the business but who are eligible for profit-sharing. They handle a wide range of responsibilities, from creating financial statements and overseeing finance workers to analyzing market trends to develop business forecasts. Depending on the job, a sales agent may sell auto, home, life, business, or many other forms of specialized maoe. You can get a job as an account executive, media planner, or copywriter. Job Title: Accounts Payable Manager. Companies need high-quality people to recruit, interview, and train staff, and they call on human resource specialists to meet this need. Entrepreneurship students gain insights into mosst decision-making processes in business. Majors in actuary science degree programs cultivate strong analytical skills business majors make the most money they can use to comb through numerical data and identify the mathematical likelihood of an outcome occurring. Many are under the impression that business majors are only for those who want to start and run their own businesses.
